Clone: 1367792136965469 G05

Tagged gene: CG1311
Identifier: FBgn0035523

Clone FlyFos023070(pRedFlp-Hgr)(CG1311[20212]::S000169_fly_pretag)::2XTY1-SGFP-V5-preTEV-BLRP-3XFLAGdFRT
Library FlyFos 5.43 D.mel in E. coli EPI300
Genome Species: Drosophila melanogaster, Release: 5.43

Validation(click to hide details)

Type Status Download / View
Grows in selection good
NGS-based tag validation good [view]

Genes in pFlyFos vector(click to hide details)

Gene Clone relative Genome relative
Name Length Start End Strand Start End Strand
DsRed 716 8417 9132 + 8417 9132 +

Features(click to show details)

Start (Source) End (Source) Start End Strand Type Name Source
1 107 1 107 - cds LacZ epicentre
4 21 4 21 - primer_bind CC2_rev epicentre
310 593 310 593 + misc_recomb attB epicentre
727 1386 727 1386 - cds Cat epicentre
1605 1952 1605 1952 + cds redF epicentre
2336 2953 2336 2953 + rep_origin oriV epicentre
2953 3007 2953 3007 + rep_origin ori2 epicentre
3347 4102 3347 4102 + cds repE epicentre
4681 5856 4681 5856 + cds parA epicentre
5856 6827 5856 6827 + cds parB epicentre
6900 7417 6900 7417 + repeat_region parC epicentre
7633 8031 7633 8031 + misc_binding cos epicentre
8049 8082 8049 8082 + misc_recomb loxP epicentre
8182 8416 8182 8416 + promoter 3xP3 epicentre
8417 9132 8417 9132 + gene DsRed epicentre
8452 9132 8452 9132 + cds DsRed epicentre
9284 9334 9284 9334 + terminator SV40 epicentre
9408 9630 9408 9630 - cds LacZ epicentre
9559 9576 9559 9576 + primer_bind T7 epicentre
9610 9627 9610 9627 + primer_bind CC2_fwd epicentre
4288642 4291211 10345 12914 - gene Hexo1 coding_transcript
4287038 4288349 13207 14518 - gene TfIIEbeta coding_transcript
4283855 4286865 14691 17701 - gene CG1316 coding_transcript
4283068 4283478 18078 18488 + gene srw coding_transcript
4281504 4282798 18758 20052 + gene CG11583 coding_transcript
4277964 4281618 19938 24654 - gene CG1311 coding_transcript
4277964 4281618 19938 24654 - mrna FBtr0073232 coding_transcript
4281116 4281618 19938 21502 - exon coding_transcript
4281347 4281618 19938 20209 - three_prime_utr coding_transcript
4281504 4281597 19959 20052 + three_prime_utr coding_transcript
4281116 4281346 20210 21502 - cds coding_transcript
2437 2470 20286 20319 - misc_recomb FRT CLC
2358 2429 20327 20398 - cds BLRP CLC
2337 2357 20399 20419 - cds TEV CLC
2313 2336 20420 20443 - cds Precision cut site CLC
2271 2312 20444 20485 - cds V5 CLC
1548 2264 20492 21208 - cds SGFP CLC
1482 1541 21215 21274 - cds 2xTY1 CLC
4281059 4281115 21503 21559 - intron coding_transcript
4280837 4281058 21560 21781 - exon coding_transcript
4280837 4281058 21560 21781 - cds coding_transcript
4280775 4280836 21782 21843 - intron coding_transcript
4280612 4280774 21844 22006 - exon coding_transcript
4280612 4280774 21844 22006 - cds coding_transcript
4280546 4280611 22007 22072 - intron coding_transcript
4280266 4280545 22073 22352 - exon coding_transcript
4280266 4280545 22073 22352 - cds coding_transcript
4279982 4280265 22353 22636 - intron coding_transcript
4279681 4279981 22637 22937 - exon coding_transcript
4279681 4279981 22637 22937 - cds coding_transcript
4279625 4279680 22938 22993 - intron coding_transcript
4279395 4279624 22994 23223 - exon coding_transcript
4279395 4279624 22994 23223 - cds coding_transcript
4279340 4279394 23224 23278 - intron coding_transcript
4279185 4279339 23279 23433 - exon coding_transcript
4279185 4279339 23279 23433 - cds coding_transcript
4279118 4279184 23434 23500 - intron coding_transcript
4278741 4279117 23501 23877 - exon coding_transcript
4278741 4279117 23501 23877 - cds coding_transcript
4278251 4278740 23878 24367 - intron coding_transcript
4277964 4278250 24368 24654 - exon coding_transcript
4278134 4278250 24368 24484 - cds coding_transcript
4277964 4278133 24485 24654 - five_prime_utr coding_transcript
4263721 4277782 24836 38897 - gene CG1273 coding_transcript
4266789 4267503 35115 35829 + gene CG33764 coding_transcript
4262700 4263464 39154 39918 - gene VhaM9.7-a coding_transcript
4261298 4262461 40157 41320 + gene CG11586 coding_transcript
4259419 4261649 40969 43199 - gene CG1309 coding_transcript
4255991 4259152 43466 46627 + gene CG15011 coding_transcript
4254774 4256053 46565 47844 - gene CG1265 coding_transcript

Sets(click to hide details)

Oligos(click to hide details)

Name/Sequence Export
fasta Fasta
fasta Fasta